Tuesday, April 20, 2010


My latest project is resumelink.
It's an online resume posting service. I like to think of it as a cross between tinyurl and photobucket but for resumes. The motto is "your resume online, the way you want it, under your control".

I'm so excited about this project that I am paying for graphic design up front. I found an Ecuadorian designer, Maria Elena to help me out, and I created a contest on 99designs to come up with more concepts. I'll probably look for profession site design as well. And pay for adwords.

The main idea is for people to post their resume online in any format (word doc, pdf, html, or plain text). I then provide a link at resumelink.org (e.g. http://resumelink.org/aaron-evans) that they can use to share their resume with others.

This solves my immediate problem of sharing my resume download link over the phone with recruiters and employers. It's my fault, really, that I didn't come up with an easy to say domain to start with. But not everyone can get a great URL, and I think resumelink.org is a pretty good one.

With a custom URL comes the ability to track viewers, so you can tell which recruiters and employers are viewing & downloading it. You could even share different links with different sources to customize or track specific customers.

I'm going for as simple of a UI as possible. Upload your resume, pick a URL, create a profile, choose a theme, edit contact info, add a job prospect, comment to others, select sharing preferences. You can link to your twitter, facebook, linkedin, monster, dice, blogger, etc. profiles as well.

Needless to say, I'm pretty excited about this.

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